JULIA TRAVEL S.L.U is a wholesaler/retailer company dedicated to the visiting tourist industry in Spain.

It is part of GRUPO JULIÀ and has over 90 years’ experience in tourism and transport industry, Its professional staff works every day to add new quality products and services with an excellent value for money, providing new cultural, gastronomic and leisure experiences in Spain, with an emphasis on being environmentally-friendly and a strong commitment from the Grupo Julià to fight against climate change and its effects.



1. Know perfectly about the demands, requirements and expectations, both explicit and implicit, of its customers and always complies with the legal requirements and other applicable requirements, as well as developing consistently the organization to give an appropriate response to the current and future situation of the market, according to the identified internal and external context.

2. Disseminates at all levels of its structure the established objectives and criteria of Ocupational envoirment, safety, and health, as well as its suppliers, involving all the parties concerned with the improvement.

3. Manages all the processes with the help of indicators and analyses the level of progress of these ones, in order to guarantee the quality demanded by its customers as well as a proper operational control.

4. Studies and evaluates the processes in order to reduce the environmental impact on its activity, reducing the consumption of natural resources and minimize the health and safety risks.

5. It minimizes emissions and waste production to preserve resources, as well as to prevent accidental emissions of substances or energy, focused on the life cycle.

6. The continuous improvement is the main catalyst in the performance of all activities in the company.

7. Performs an integration at all levels of the company of the principles of prevention of Ocupational envoirment, safety, and health.

8. The company establishes and develops a training and awareness-raising program for all the staff, which will help them in their job and contributes to the continuous improvement of the organization, and adapt it according to the needs of internal and external parties.

9. Establishes a work methodology to improve the internal communication between the different departments and company delegations.

10. Gets maximum security for the staff, customers, vehicles, collaborators and facilities during the performance of its activity.

Managing Director

Marc Codinach Fitó                                                                                                                


NIF: B-29045895
Pablo Iglesias, 84
08908 L’Hospitalet (Barcelona)
Tel. 934 026 900 – Fax 934 026 915
